Communities of Tomorrow is a public-private partnership with the mission of making Saskatchewan a global leader in the field of innovative sustainable municipal infrastructure.

Communities of Tomorrow works with industry, municipalities and researchers to find innovative solutions to infrastructure challenges. Capitalizing on the trillion-dollar global infrastructure market, Communities of Tomorrow assists in the development of more cost effective, longer-lasting and environmentally friendly infrastructure products and services, in turn creating jobs, growing businesses and generating economic activity for Saskatchewan.

Our strategic focus is on the areas of water, roads and transportation, and remediation.

If you have research skills in these fields, or have developed an innovative municipal infrastructure product or process, we can:

  • Link you with companies that may want to develop your idea
  • Provide funding to help develop, test, and commercialize your innovation
  • Introduce you to companies and municipalities that require research services to advance their products or ideas
  • Facilitate relationships with municipalities where your product or idea could be tested in their infrastructure operations